job safety analysis中文什么意思

发音:   用"job safety analysis"造句
  • job:    n.,vt.,vi. 〔方言〕=ja ...
  • safety:    n. 1.安全;平安,稳安,保险。 ...
  • analysis:    n. (pl. -ses ) 1.分 ...
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  1. More consistent incorporation of job safety analysis and post - dive safety assessments
  2. 3 personal protective equipment must be used which has been identified through the workplace risk assessment / job safety analysis
  3. Despite the high volume of work and demands for the performance of more tasks in a shorter period of time , companies are realizing the value of safety through the “ team approach ” in development of the job safety analysis
  4. 3 days prior before any heavy ( 75 % of the max . allowed working load ) , duel , or long radius lift or a lift in close proximity to power lines a detailed job safety analysis ( jsa ) must be submitted to the construction manager or his nominee
    在进行重物(最大提升负荷的75 % ) 、采用2台起重机同时进行起重提升,或在起重机距离货物较远,或距离动力线较近的地方进行提升时,必须提前3天向现场施工经理或其指定人递交一份详细作业安全分析报告。


Job safety analysis (JSA), also known as job hazard analysis (JHA), activity hazard analysis (AHA) or risk assessment (RA), is a safety management tool in which the risks or hazards of a specific job in the workplace are identified, and then measures to eliminate or control those hazards are determined and implemented. More specifically, a job safety analysis is a process of systematically evaluating certain jobs, tasks, processes or procedures and eliminating or reducing the risks or hazards to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) in order to protect workers from injury or illness.


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